My favorite pieces and the stories behind them.
Client / Goldman Sachs
Media / Interactive OOH
Challenge / Introduce the benefits of investing to people too busy to think about it
Idea / Take business travelers on dream trips around the world, while they're stuck at the airport
I happen to love airports and world travel. Every time I enter a concourse, I daydream about heading to every destination on every gate. So, I loved every aspect of the research and production on this.
For a few weeks, I invented dream trips for travelers who had the means to go anywhere. And we illustrated those adventures with Academy Award nominee, Bastien Dubois. It just so happened to be on the tail end of him wrapping said nominated film. So, my fingernails were nubs by the end of it. But other than that, it was pure joy.
Consumers got a kick out of it, too. Across 10 weeks, travelers went on 23,000 journeys to 50,000 exotic locales.